The last information about Russian developments for MessagePad will be represented on this page
Applications of Russian Developers for MessagePad:
Paragon (UniFEP for Russian), Landware, Paragon (X-Port))
Localization of Newton OS built-in applications, system messages
and pop-up menu. It containes packages of the localization, virtual
Russian-English keyboard, four Cyrillic fonts and localized version
of X-Port to exchange text data (in Russian as well as in English)
between Newton and desktop PC.
Requirements: 2.0 OS or later, about 300K RAM (minimum - 146K,
full version with X-Port - 468K)
Well known game Line for Newton. The purpose of the game is to
build five identical figures on one line.
Requirements: 2.0 OS, about 24K RAM
(ParaGraph Int., Localization: MacCentre)
The Personal Cyrillic Handwriting Recognizer. It operates with Russian Newton package
The Russian mosaic recognizer based on Mosaic Input Technologies. It operates with Russian Newton package
The driver of the Newton external keyboard for a support of Cyrillic letter input
The application removes some errors and defects in the built - in application of sending of faxes. It has the opportunity of automatic sending of the messages to group of people.
The program is intended for moving Newton soups from internal
memory to a card and back, and also for their combination from
several storage devices of data on one.
Requirements: 2.0 OS and later
Software reboot and turn off, optimization heap-memory, possibility of "freezing" of applications and screen rotation, batteries testing, removing collected pop-up menu (in Names, Dates) and system messages (error and reminder messages and others) from memory. For MessagePad 130: software turn on/off of screen backlight.
Provides converting of Russian text files on the desktop PC for exchange with Newton in Russian(OS 1.3 - for Mac, Windows., OS 2.0 - for Windows)
The application provides on-line virtual piece of paper for two MessagePad connected either by modem, Infrared port or serial cable
Supports of a price-list with the flexibility system of the discounts, registration of payments-sales. The application is integrated with built-in Names. The application calculates the balance of the client, prints, sends information by fax and electronic mail, exchanges by IR and serial port with the desktop computer
The scheme of the Moscow subway which lets you optimize the best way for efficiency
The adapter for connection of the external IBM-compatible keyboard with Newton was created by Russian company MacCentre. There are two modification of it: Newton KeyPlug Lite (for connection of keyboards with low energy ñonsumption - for example, Cherry keyboard ) and Newton KeyPlug Pro (for connection of any IBM-compatible keyboards).
Russian-english idioms dictionary for doing business correspondence on Newton is developed by the Russian developers. The dictionary is launched from Notes and allows to write the letters of standard phrases. The application allows to store the small texts of the any contents and to insert them in Notes, to exchange phrases with other Newton by IR. An opportunity of expansion is available by input of new phrases directly on Newton, and by using of the special software of exchange with the desktop computer through serial port or IR.