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Тема: Сохранение аттачментов на карте памяти в h2210 (а не на iPAQ

Sungod [27.10.2004 12:20] Сохранение аттачментов на карте памяти в h2210 (а не на iPAQ:
Раньше был у меня iPAQ 2210 со старой прошивкой 1.0, проблемы не было. Аттачменты сохранялись на SD карте. Купил новый, а там уже новая прошивка, и встроенный почтовый клиент не видит карты памяти, и сохраняет файлы на iPAQ FILE STORE... 3 мб никуда не годится....
[CpD]bob [27.10.2004 14:48] :
не понял про (а не на iPAQ)
Сам столкнулся с такой проблемой - он аттачменты пишет в первый по умолчанию сторадж..в форуме советовали чего-то там в реестре менять..я много где поковырялся - толку 0, толькоо пустые папки стал создавать..В Итоге поставил Webis mail 2 - чего и всем желаю...нервные клетки - не восстанавливаются. А программёры мокрого создали дурное ограничение...
Sungod [28.10.2004 14:51] :
Я нашёл решение проблемы на буржуйском форуме:

"Posted by Carlo Guerrero @ 22 Apr 2004 at 08:35 CET under 7 - PPC Tutorials.

I've used this quite often and with so many attachments that I receive and download, I should have the right amount of space for it. I'm sure that my Pocket PC's built-in memory will never be able to handle the size of attachments I receive from time to time.

For most of us this process may be a simple one. In the Pocket PC's Inbox, go to Tools and then Options. As you enter the tabbed window called Storage, you will see a check box that says "Store attachments on storage card". For most Pocket PCs this works like a charm and attachments are stored into the Storage Card instead of the main memory.

But for some devices, it will seem that this option only allows the user to save attachments in the only Storage Card that particular Pocket PC recognizes which is no other than the File Store.

Thanks for fellow MVPs David Hettel and Bev Howard for pointing me into the right direction, I was able to sort out the problem with the h2210 Inbox Attachment association with Storage Cards.

Apparently, with the HP iPAQ 2210s, particularly the ones with the updated ROM (v1.10), the Inbox does not see the CF and SD Cards as they do not bear the name Storage Card. It seems that the Inbox has forgotten to consider the SD or CF cards as Storage Cards. I know for a fact that even though they were called CF and SD cards in the previous ROM version, I was able to move my attachments to these cards with far less problems than now. This can be fixed with a little registry hack, but will also give the user extra work as all applications stored in the CF or SD card will have to be reinstalled.

With dual slot devices, I suggest that only one card is renamed in order to retain a unique card name for each card. Renaming both will have issues as to which card is inserted first and naming of cards with similar names will result in the File Explorer reading them as Storage Card and Storage Card 2.

With a registry editor, you will have to go to the entry listed below:

If you want to use the MMC for attachments:


Change the value in Folder from SD Card to Storage Card

Save the change, exit the registry editor and perform a soft reset.

In Inbox>Tools>Options>Storage tab you should now see the Storage Card size reflecting the free memory of the MMC.

If you want to use the SD Card for attachments:


Change the value in Folder from SD Card to Storage Card

Save the change, exit the registry editor and perform a soft reset.

In Inbox>Tools>Options>Storage tab you should now see the Storage Card size reflecting the free memory of the SD Card.

If you want to use the CF Card for attachments:


Change the value in Folder from CF Card to Storage Card

Save the change, exit the registry editor and perform a soft reset.

In Inbox>Tools>Options>Storage tab you should now see the Storage Card size reflecting the free memory of the CF Card.

Once this is done, all applications will have to be reinstalled into the newly named Storage Card. Because of this renaming, file associations to applications in these cards are now broken. DLLs, files, registry entries, and the like will have to be re-associated to the applications in the Storage Card by either doing it manually through a registry editor or by simply reinstalling them. I suggest that reinstalling them is a better move.

Until an official fix is offered, this I think will be your best option.

Mabuhay!!! ~ Carlo